New Patients


What To Expect:

Our goal is to make your first visit to Griess Chiropractic as easy, straight forward, and educational as possible. Prior to your first visit, Dr. Luke will spend time studying your intake paperwork, so he has a basic understanding about you, your health history, and current struggles. At your first office visit, you will be cheerfully greeted at the door by staff. You will then be given a tour of the office and taken to the day one room. A Griess Chiropractic staff member will then perform three separate spinal scans. The scans are highly specific and are designed to give Dr. Luke added information about how well your nervous system is or is not functioning. Dr. Luke will then spend time with you discussing your current health struggles and assessing your spine. A second visit will be scheduled following the conclusion of the initial visit. At the second visit, Dr. Luke will spend time with you reviewing your scans and discussing future care recommendations.

New Patient Paperwork:

Please fill out the correct new patient paperwork. No need to print. once you are done completing the forms, hit the submit button at the bottom and you are set! Please bring your current insurance information if applicable. We look forward to seeing you!

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