Hey There…

I am assuming you are reading this page because you are considering bringing your family to our clinic (pretty good observation by me huh…) So, to ease your concerns (assuming you have a few), I am going to give you a quick explanation of why you should pick up the phone, call, and schedule with us ASAP. People ask me all the time, “how does chiropractic work?” and “why should I take my child to the chiropractor?” Well, to be honest, chiropractic is so simple that often we overcomplicate. In all reality it comes down to a few basic principles.

The body is meant to be healthy.

  1. The body always heals from within.

  2. The nervous system controls everything that happens in your body.

  3. Stress on the nervous system is bad and will negatively impact how the body functions.

Our job as a chiropractic office is to work with these principles, not against them. Our goal for you and your family is not to cover up symptoms. My goal is to get your body to work the way that it was designed, which will allow healing and ultimately lead to health. When you first visit us, we will spend the entire first visit analyzing how well your nervous system and spine are working. We determine if there are areas of stress (what we call subluxation) that may be negatively impacting how you or your child’s body is communicating and functioning. Then we put together a plan focused on removing that stress and allowing your body to heal and work as it was designed by God. We take nothing out, put nothing in, we rely solely on the principles that we talked about above (which is pretty amazing if you ask me)!